Friends of "Naturmusée" a.s.b.l.

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Become a Member

If you want to become a member of the 'Amis du Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle', please transfer 20 euros (for one person) or 30 euros (1 Member + the right to invite 1 Person for our activitees) to our postal checking account:

Les Amis du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle a.s.b.l.

IBAN LU53 1111 0746 5259 0000 (CCPL)

and please send us your name, your postal address and, importantly, your email via e-mail 

Advantages: As a friend of the "natur-musee", you will always find out directly what is going on in the museum, you will be present at every opening, you will benefit from the cultural and natural science activities and excursions that are organized extra for you at home and abroad and you can come freely in and out of the nature museum.

Of course, the friends of the nature museum always stand by the museum and support it when it needs help.

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Association des biologistes luxembourgeois

d'stater muséeën


Fondation faune-flore





Meet the Naturalists


18. & 19.5. Museum Days
We were there !

12/3/2024 New Inlaws voted !!
12/14/2023 Partnership Convention !
26/1/2024 Night of the Friends 2024 ! Fotos



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